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Brink: Storing Solar Energy
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

30 Ways to Detox Your Home and Body - Planet Green

Detection of genetically modified organismsImage via Wikipedia30 Ways to Detox Your Home and Body - Planet Green

Imagine waking up without an ache or pain, cruising through your day with energy and ending it by enjoying a refreshing night’s sleep. Then, imagine waking up to do it all over again. Think it’s impossible? Think again. The key is eliminating toxins from your body and your life. Toxins can leave you feeling sluggish, achy, heavy, and out-of-shape. They can also be a factor in the development of chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis, allergies, and many other serious conditions. Here’s where to start:
1. Eat an organic diet as much as possible. Most foods contain harmful pesticides and genetically-modified organisms.
2. Try to make a large component of your diet raw vegetables and juices. It’s easy when you eat a large salad daily and drink a freshly-made juice.
3. Engage in periodic cleanses or detox programs: one day a week, a weekend every month, or a longer detox in the spring and fall.
4. Sauna to help eliminate toxins through the skin in sweat. Of course, consult your physician prior to starting a sauna regime.
5. Stretch daily: yoga, tai chi, and qigong, are excellent.
6. Avoid chemical cleaning products in favor of natural cleaning ones. Baking soda, vinegar, or orange oil can replace almost any chemical cleaner.
7. Avoid chemical pesticides at home. Use baking soda with sugar or peppermint oil.
8. Read labels on food products and avoid those with which you are unfamiliar.
9. Avoid synthetic chemicals in personal care products and cosmetics. Read labels and avoid those ingredients with which you’re unfamiliar. No label? Avoid the product. Definitely avoid any containing: parabens, diethanolamine (DEA), or phthalates.
10. Drink an ounce of wheatgrass juice daily to supplement your diet. Wheatgrass juice is nutritionally equivalent to many vegetables.
11. Take chlorella or spirulina tablets daily to supplement your diet and help round out your daily nutrients .
12. Exercise for 45 minutes daily. Brisk walking, rebounding, running, cycling, cross-country skiing are excellent choices. Be sure to consult a physician prior to beginning.
13. Eat at least three of the best detoxifying foods daily. Some of the best detoxifiers include: broccoli, garlic, spinach, cabbage, sprouts, blueberries, ginger, and turmeric.
14. Exchange massages with a partner. Massage improves circulation and helps move lymph (lymph picks up toxins throughout the body so it can be eliminated).
15. Kick the habit. If you smoke or are exposed to second-hand smoke, quit it.
16. Cut back on alcohol consumption. Alcohol must be filtered by the liver, which has over 500 other functions. Even moderate drinking increases the risk of conditions like breast cancer.
17. Toss out the toxins at home and in the garage. Of course, dispose of them properly based on your community’s guidelines.
18. Add a water filter to your tap water. Even a Brita will help remove some of the impurities in your water.
19. Toss the non-stick pans. Teflon, Silverstone and other coatings emit harmful perflourochemicals (PFCs). The EPA classifies them as carcinogens.
20. Choose no-VOC paints for your home. VOCs are volatile organic compounds, many of which are linked to cancer.
21. Stop microwaving your food. Microwaving changes the protein structure of food making it potentially-harmful to your body. Microwaves also emit radiation that can be damaging to people standing near them.
22. Install a carbon monoxide detector in your home if you heat your home with gas, oil, or other type of fuel. Carbon monoxide is odorless but can cause health problems like headaches, fatigue, and even death.
23. Eliminate mold. A few drops of tea tree oil can be used on a cloth to wipe down walls, floors, and other surfaces to help kill mold.

28. Don’t heat food or store it in plastic. Most plastic contains bisphenol-A (BPA) that migrates into the food stored in these containers. BPA has been linked to thyroid and other hormonal problems.
29. Don’t use mothballs. Mothballs contain paradichlorobenzene which is seriously toxic. Instead choose sachets made with natural herbs and essential oils like rosemary, lavender, thyme, and mint, which are natural moth-repellants.
30. Reduce the amount of meat in your diet.
Adapted with permission from The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan by Michelle Schoffro Cook, DNM.
Michelle Schoffro Cook, BSc, RNCP, ROHP, DNM, is an international best-selling and seven-time book author and doctor of natural medicine, whose works include: The Life Force Diet, The Ultimate pH Solution, The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, The Phytozyme Cure and HealthSmart News. Learn more atwww.DrMichelleCook.com.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

80% of US Electricity from "Clean" Sources by 2035? : Casaubon's Book

80% of US Electricity from "Clean" Sources by 2035? : Casaubon's Book

80% of US Electricity from "Clean" Sources by 2035?

Category: politics
Posted on: January 26, 2011 8:40 AM, by Sharon Astyk
The good news is that everyone was more or less happy about Obama's stated energy policy last night. The Republicans were happy because Obama was talking about a "clean standard" which actually means "let's burn fossil fuels in a barely less harmful way" - ie, let's switch some dirty coal to natural gas, and pretend that "clean" coal is a reality, and that nuclear plants will come online rapidly and without massive subsidies. The Democrats were happy because some Republicans might tolerate a "clean energy" standard that takes emphasis off solar and wind. And everyone was happy because we're not going to actually do this.
The best thing about any energy claim made in the State of the Union is that everyone knows they are bullshit. Even as the claims become either more "realistic"
(remember Gore's call for 80% of our energy to come from actual renewables by as soon as 2020?) or less ambitious and more pointless (depending on your perspective), they become less likely, because there is simply no real will to do so. All of these goals would require a lot of will and money, from a government that has neither. They are simply a political shorthand that means "we'd like it if magic fairies came along and actually took care of this stuff for us."
I think it is useful to re-run this video, based on Jon Stewart's commentary about last year's State of the Union, which contained now-conveniently forgotten lofty energy goals as well:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
An Energy-Independent Future
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook
We are an unstoppable fossil fuel dependency breaking machine. Unfortunately, the machine runs on fossil fuels.... Oh, well, pity about the planet and the grandkids, but we've got bigger stuff to fight over, right?
As Obama said last night, the future is ours to win (?!?! - Ah, that's why we don't take it seriously, it is a board game!), and it is pretty clear that we've chosen our strategy - what Homer Simpson once called "the two sweetest words in the world "De! Fault!"
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Friday, January 21, 2011

The UK Knack Group Say Green energy to create thousands of jobs in the next 10 years

Illustration: Different types of renewable energy.Image via WikipediaThe UK Knack Group Say Green energy to create thousands of jobs in the next 10 years

The UK Knack Group Say Green energy to create thousands of jobs in the next 10 years

Prestige executive careers consultancy UK Knack Group has announced the gathering in the Granite City of more than 30 captains of industry for a summit meeting on renewable energy.

Quote startScotland is ideally placed to become the green powerhouse of Europe. It's estimated that the country has one quarter of the continent's wind and tidal energy, plus a tenth of its wave-power resource, and that's an awesome bag of stats.Quote end
(PRWeb UK) January 10, 2011
Prestige executive careers consultancy UK Knack Group has announced the gathering in the Granite City of more than 30 captains of industry for a summit meeting on renewable energy.
Energy Minister Alex Salmond was at pains to point out that Scotland’s offshore energy capacity could create 50,000 jobs in the next 10 years and inject somewhere in the order of 7 billion pounds into the economy.
The UK Knack Group says he could well be right: “On a per capita basis, Scotland’s renewable energy sources are 10 times those of England.
“Scotland is ideally placed to become the green powerhouse of Europe. It’s estimated that the country has one quarter of the continent’s wind and tidal energy, plus a tenth of its wave-power resource, and that’s an awesome bag of stats.”
Scottish parliamentarians are getting serious about the issue of conservation, and, in particular, “diminution of the carbon footprint”. They have lately proclaimed a number of renewable energy schemes that they hope will contribute to achieving these aspirations.
The UK Knack Group announced last week that the government had approved a 200 million pound energy efficiency project that it hopes will create enough electricity to power almost 40,000 houses; just prior to that release was the news that Bristol-based firm Marine Current Turbines had presented plans for a 35 million pounds tidal energy farm that was intended to provide energy for as many as 4000 houses.
About UK Knack Group
Built on decades of experience the Knack team consists of some of the most experienced professionals in the UK and abroad who have helped thousands of businesses and people to be more successful.
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Green technology and renewable energy soars in Europe ahead of summit - Business News - Business Review Europe

Icon of Wind TurbinesImage via WikipediaGreen technology and renewable energy soars in Europe ahead of summit - Business News - Business Review Europe

Green technology and renewable energy soars in Europe ahead of summit

United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Northern Ireland and Bulgaria are implementing green initiatives

Renewable energy sources on the increase in Europe
Renewable energy sources on the increase in Europe
On 4 February, EU leaders are set to meet in Hungary to discuss the Continent's renewable energy and green power initiatives. However, indications suggest that several European countries are surging ahead with offshore wind farms, energy super grids and solar power stations.
The economic crisis has severely effected the European Union's plans to invest 1 trillion euro ($1.3 trillion) in promoting green power and high-tech power grids across Europe. Although Portugal, Malta and eastern states like Lithuania supported the plan proposed last November by Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger, Europe's biggest players like Germany, France and the Netherlands believed these plans didn't merit EU funding.
Despite this conflict of interests, plenty of green initiatives are taking off across Europe ahead of the summit with the UK, Northern Ireland, Scandinavia and even Bulgaria pushing ahead with renewable energy.
Figures released by the European Wind Energy Association this week revealed offshore wind installations had increased by 51% in 2010, with the United Kingdom leading the way with a capacity of 1,341 Megawatts.

As Business Review Europe reported yesterday, David Cameron believes Northern Europe should form an "alliance of common interests." The UK is keen to collaborate with Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and Estonia to develop offshore wind farms.
Norway is reportedly set to invest £1bn in the Sheringham Shoal wind farm and planning to spend up to £30bn on the Dogger Bank wind farm - which is likely to be constructed in 2014.
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) CEO Professor J Owen Lewis has said significant progress has been made in renewable energy which will boost the country's economy. Speaking at the Irish Renewable Energy Summit, Lewis said:
"Significant progress is being made in developing and harnessing the country’s natural energy resources. It is important to point out that our existing success in renewable energy is already having a direct impact on the competitiveness of the Irish economy.”
Toshiba, Tokyo Electric Power and the Japanese government have announced plans to build one of the world's largest power stations in Bulgaria.
Japan daily Nikkei said: "It is true that Toshiba is carrying out various activities for developing solar power in Bulgaria." The country intends to obtain 16 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2020 chasing the European Union’s target of 20 percent.
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