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Brink: Storing Solar Energy
Chemist Dan Nocera's work capturing and storing solar energy may save the world. No, really!

Video Added: November 24, 2008

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Climate Change to Continue to Year 3000 : Discovery News

The antarctic is melting w002n54 84m sea level...Image by thekeithhall via FlickrClimate Change to Continue to Year 3000 : Discovery News

Global warming may wipe out three-quarters of Europe's alpine glaciers by 2100 and hike sea levels by four meters (13 feet) by the year 3000 through melting the West Antarctic ice sheet, two studies published on Sunday said.
The research places the spotlight on two of the least understood aspects of climate change: how, when and where warming will affect glaciers on which many millions depend for their water, and the problems faced by generations in the far distant future.
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