Everything we accomplished and every action we took in 2010 was thanks to you, and millions of Greenpeace supporters like you around the world. Join us in looking back on a year of action, with 99 of the best images in less than two minutes.
Brink: Storing Solar Energy
Chemist Dan Nocera's work capturing and storing solar energy may save the world. No, really!

Video Added: November 24, 2008

Views: 27869

Runtime: 04:20


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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RMI: Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving the Efficient Use of Resources

Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute.Image via WikipediaRMI: Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving the Efficient Use of Resources

Happy New Year from RMI

Happy New Year!
RMI is looking forward to 2011 as it ushers in our most ambitious project yet - Reinventing Fire.

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